Friday, June 8, 2012

God holds the destiny of your future

God is in the Destiny-Altering and Reputation-Changing business. Do you sometimes feel that through poor choices you have squandered your opportunities to live the life you once dreamed of? Is your life full of guilt and regret? Do you sometimes wish you could turn the clock back and start over?

Unfortunately, you can't relive your past. But your past does not have to determine your future . Turn your future over to God and He can turn it around. He can alter your destiny and change your reputation. Just consider Jacob, the “deceiver,” who cheated his brother Esau out of his birthright. Later, however, he wrestled with God, who changed his name to Israel, “prince of God”,  and who made him the father of the nation that bore his name. Then there's Moses, a murderer and fugitive in the desert whose destiny was altered at a burning bush. His encounter with God changed him into a deliverer who freed a nation from slavery.

Do you feel like you have messed up your life? God can straighten things out and set you on the right road. There is no sin so great that God's grace is not greater still. No hole so deep that God's love cannot reach you and pull you out. Remember that one day of favor can be worth more than a lifetime of labor. At the same time, one day of favor can change a lifetime of mistakes, bad choices and missed opportunities .

Fortunately failure does not disqualify us from enjoying the love and favor of God. Often we fail to realize our full potential because we don't understand the full range of what God has placed within us. The story of the entire Bible is the record of God's plan and efforts to reverse that failure. God could have written us off and started over. But He didn't. He loves us. He created us in His image. That's a lot of potential in Him and through Him, and He is determined to see us through and fulfill it. God's grace and favor bases on relationship and our fellowship with Him not on anything we do or fail to do. We all have failed to fulfill our God-given potential, but God never gives up on us!. What dreams and desires has God planted in your heart? He wants to see you achieve them or He wouldn't have placed them there.

God chose you for the potential He placed in you. He keeps you because of His passionate love for you. He loves us so much that He can't stand to have us out of His sight! This means He will never abandon you. He will never give up on you. He will never rest until He elevates you into the fullness of the person He created you to be. Don't settle for less than the best. Be all that you can be!

Sound scary? Take heart from this promise: “You are My servant, I have chosen you and have not cast you away: Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

What dreams and desires has God planted in your heart? He wants to see you achieve them or He wouldn't have placed them there. As He did with Esther, God has a unique and special destiny for you; He has something in mind that only you can do. It doesn't matter how many times you have failed. God's plan and destiny for you never change. No matter where you are in your life, He can help you become what He has always wanted you to be.

Don't let the shame or discouragement of your past rob you of your future. Turn to the One who can alter your destiny and change your reputation. Let God turn you around!
Father, I know I have made a lot of bad choices. I've messed up my life in many ways. But now I'm turning it over to You. Take control of my life and my destiny. Turn me around and set me on the road to the destiny You have always had for me. Let my life be a testimony to Your transforming power.

Father, I am truly amazed at how You can love me so passionately, especially when I've failed you and let you down so many times. Show me who I truly am in You. Stir in my spirit the dream and destiny you have planted there. Help me move forward toward becoming all I can be in You.
Lord, thank You for welcoming me into Your house. Thank You for forgiving my sins and changing my life. Forgive me for judging or ranking others by human standards.
I am eternally grateful to You for all that You have done for me, but I want to move beyond that level. I want to enter the heart of worship
Father, You are awesome and beautiful beyond description. My God, my Father, my Creator, my Sustainer, my Provider, my Healer, my Redeemer and my Friend, I love You. You are worthy of all praise and glory and honor and power and wisdom and riches and strength! Your Name is above all other names. Your mercy is so great and Your love is so deep. I exalt You!

In my Father's Love,
Joel Harahap

Thursday, May 17, 2012


“Kristus Yesus, yang telah mati. Bahkan lebih lagi: yang telah bangkit, yang juga
duduk di sebelah kanan Allah, yang malah menjadi Pembela bagi kita.” (Roma 8:34)
Saya ingin membuka suatu rahasia kepada Anda tentang dimana hampir setiap waktu ketika saya duduk untuk menulis khotbah saya merasa seakan Tuhan berkata kepada saya, “Buatlah itu dengan sederhana, bodoh.” Adalah mudah bagi saya untuk membuat hal-hal yang sulit untuk dimengerti, namun Tuhan ingin saya “membuatnya dengan sederhana saja.” Secara alami saya suka bila orang lain berpikir tentang saya sebagai seorang sarjana yang luar biasa. Namun apakah itu akan menjadi hal yang baik untuk dilakukan bagi Anda atau sebenarnya bagi saya? Jadi, Tuhan terus mengingatkan saya dari waktu ke waktu, “Buatlah dengan sederhana, bodoh.”
Oleh sebab itu saya juga ingin yang akan saya bahas ini menjadi singkat dan sesederhana mungkin. Bahkan walaupun subyeknya sangat luas dan dalam, saya berdoa hal ini menjadi begitu jelas bahkan anak-anakpun dapat memahaminya. Ayat kita adalah Roma 8:34. Mari kita membacanya dengan lantang, mulai dengan frase “Kristus Yesus, yang telah mati.”
“Kristus Yesus, yang telah mati. Bahkan lebih lagi: yang telah bangkit, yang juga duduk di sebelah kanan Allah, yang malah menjadi Pembela bagi kita” (Roma 8:34).
Ayat tersebut menjelaskan kepada kita empat hal tentang Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus.

I. Kristus yang telah mati.
“Kristus Yesus, yang telah mati. Bahkan lebih lagi: yang telah bangkit, yang juga duduk di sebelah kanan Allah, yang malah menjadi Pembela bagi kita.” (Roma 8:34)
Janganlah menganggap dosa sebagai hal yang sepele, kecil atau tidak penting karena dosa telah merusak alam semesta, membuat bumi ini terkutuk, membawa penderitaan dan kebinasaan bagi seluruh ciptaan, dan telah mengutuk jutaan orang ke dalam penghukuman kekal di Neraka. Dosa bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat dianggap main-main dan tidak penting dimana seringkali kita berpikir Tuhan dapat abaikan dan lupakan. Tetapi dosa adalah kejahatan yang sangat besar sehingga tidak ada jalan lain selain oleh kematian Anak Allah yang tunggal yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah dosa dan menyucikan umatNya dari segala konsekwensi-konsekwensi mengerikannya.
Kematian Anak Tunggal Allah bukanlah hanya tentang seseorang yang mati untuk menggantikan tempat manusia, namun juga untuk menebus dosa manusia. “Kristus yang telah mati” (Roma 8:34). Hanya Kristus, Anak Allah yang kekal, yang dapat membayar hukuman dosa manusia, dan membawa orang-orang berdosa kembali ke dalam hubungan yang benar dengan Allah Bapa. Rasul Petrus berkata,
“Sebab juga Kristus telah mati sekali untuk segala dosa kita, Ia yang benar untuk orang-orang yang tidak benar, supaya Ia membawa kita kepada Allah” (I Petrus 3:18).
Keadilan Allah mengharuskan dosa harus dibayar. Kristus secara sukarela menyerahkan Diri-Nya untuk dihukum di atas kayu Salib untuk menanggung murka Allah atas dosa menggantikan tempat bagi mereka yang percaya kepadaNya.
Kita diberitahu bahwa Kristus dibunuh bagi kita, bahwa kematianNya itu telah menyucikan kita dari segala dosa-dosa kita, dan bahwa oleh kematianNya Ia telah mengalahkan maut itu sendiri. Itulah formulanya atau rumusnya.  Itulah Kekristenan dan itulah yang harusnya dipercayai. (C. S. Lewis, Ph.D., Mere Christianity, HarperCollins Publishers, 2001 edition, hlm. 55 [hlm. 91 dalam edisi bahasa Indonesia)
Dr. John R. Rice membuat ini jelas dalam lagu gubahannya yang indah,
Kami memiliki kisah kasih yang melampaui segalanya,
Kami menceritakan bagaimana orang-orang berdosa beroleh pengampunan.
Ada pengampunan cuma-cuma dari Yesus yang telah menderita,
Dan melakukan penebusan di kayu salib Kalvari.
Semua dosa dunia ditimpakan atas Dia,
Tergantung di sana, mati sebagai korban bagi dosa.
Allah memalingkan wajah-Nya, Meninggalkan Dia menderita,
Membayar hutang manusia, penebusan-Nya menang.
Oh, betapa sungai anugerah sedang mengalir.
Turun dari Juruselamat manusia yang tersalib,
Darah yang mahal yang Ia curahkan demi menebus kita,
Anugerah dan pengampunan bagi semua dosa kita.
(“Oh, What a Fountain!” by Dr. John R. Rice, 1895-1980).

Itulah sebabnya mengapa Juruselamat harus disalibkan yaitu demi mereka yang mau datang kepadaNya dengan iman!

II. IA adalah Kristus yang telah bangkit kembali dari antara orang mati.
“Kristus Yesus, yang telah mati. Bahkan lebih lagi: yang telah bangkit, yang juga duduk di sebelah kanan Allah, yang malah menjadi Pembela bagi kita.” (Roma 8:34)
Rasul Petrus berkata, “Allah nenek moyang kita telah membangkitkan Yesus, yang kamu gantungkan pada kayu salib dan kamu bunuh” (Kisah Rasul 5:30).
Rasul Paulus berkata bahwa Yesus Kristus, “…dinyatakan oleh kebangkitan-Nya dari antara orang mati, bahwa Ia adalah Anak Allah yang berkuasa, Yesus Kristus Tuhan kita” (Roma 1:4).
Dr. B. B. Warfield berkata, “Kristus dengan sukarela memancangkan seluruh klaimNya atas kebangkitanNya. Ketika dimintai untuk menunjukkan sebuah tanda Ia menekankan tanda ini sebagai satu-satunya bukti yang cukup” (The New Encyclopedia of Christian Quotations, Baker Book House, 2000, hlm. 865).
Tanpa kebangkitan tubuh fisik Kristus maka tidak akan ada kekristenan, karena kekristenan hanya dapat berdiri atau jatuh bersama dengan kebangkitan Kristus. Allah telah membangkitkan Kristus dari antara orang mati untuk memberikan manusia suatu kelahiran baru dan pertobatan. Sang Reformator, John Calvin berkata, “Walaupun kita memiliki keselamatan sempurna melalui kematianNya, karena kita diperdamaikan dengan Allah oleh itu, tetapi oleh kebangkitanNya, bukan kematianNya, sehingga kita dikatakan dilahirkan ke dalam hidup yang penuh pengharapan” (The New Encyclopedia of Christian Quotations,ibid., hlm. 864). Kelahiran baru adalah sesuatu yang Allah lakukan di dalam Anda melalui Kristus yang telah bangkit. Anda harus dilahirkan kembali “ oleh kebangkitan Yesus Kristus dari antara orang mati” (I Petrus 1:3).

“Kuasa dosa binasa, Tuhan memusnahkan.”
Kuasa dosa binasa,
Tuhan memusnahkan;
Bersihlah najis dan noda,
Tuhan menyucikan.
(“O For a Thousand Tongues” by Charles Wesley, 1707-1788; menala “O Set Ye Open Unto Me”).

Kristus bangkit bagi orang-orang yang datang kepada Dia melalui iman!

III. Ketiga, Kristus yang hidup sekarang, duduk di sebelah kanan Allah, di Surga.
“Kristus Yesus, yang telah mati. Bahkan lebih lagi: yang telah bangkit, yang juga duduk di sebelah kanan Allah…”(Roma 8:34).
Lima belas kali Perjanjian Baru menjelaskan kepada kita bahwa Yesus telah naik ke Surga, dan sekarang duduk di sebelah kanan Allah.
“Sesudah Tuhan Yesus berbicara demikian kepada mereka, terangkatlah Ia ke surga, lalu duduk di sebelah kanan Allah” (Markus 16:19).

Pandanglah, kamu orang-orang kudus! Pandanglah kemuliaan itu:
Pandanglah Manusia yang Penuh sengsara sekarang;
Dari pertempurkan kembali membawa kemenangan
Setiap lutut akan bertelut di hadapan-Nya:
Nobatkanlah Dia! Nobatkanlah Dia! Nobatkanlah Dia!
Nobatkan dia menjadi sang Pemenang.
Nobatkan dia menjadi sang Pemenang.
Nobatkanlah sang Juruselamat! Para malaikat, nobatkanlah Dia!
Banyak piala Yesus bawa:
Duduk dengan penuh kuasa di atas tahta-Nya;
Seluruh penghuni surga bergema:
Nobatkanlah Dia! Nobatkanlah Dia! Nobatkanlah Dia!
Nobatkanlah sang Juruselamat Raja di atas segala raja
Nobatkanlah sang Juruselamat Raja di atas segala raja
Dengarlah, aklamasi mereka yang riuh!
Dengarlah, paduan suara kemenangan yang nyaring!
Yesus mengambil tempat tertinggi;
Oh betapa sukacitanya!
Nobatkanlah Dia! Nobatkanlah Dia! Nobatkanlah Dia!
Raja di atas segala raja, dan Tuhan di atas segala tuan!
Raja di atas segala raja, dan Tuhan di atas segala tuan!
(“Look, Ye Saints! The Sight is Glorious” by Thomas Kelly, 1769-1855; menala “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”).

Kristus duduk di sebelah kanan Allah dalam kemuliaan! “Marilah nobatkan Dia! Marilah nobatkan Dia! Raja di atas segala raja dan Tuhan di atas segala tuan!” Amin!

“Marilah Nobatkan Sang Raja.”
Marilah nobatkan,
Sang Raja Mulia!
Dengarkan lagu pujian
Mengisi angkasa
Hai Bangkit jiwaku,
Hormati Rajamu,
Yang mati bagi dosamu,
Pujilah tak jemu
(“Crown Him With Many Crowns” by Matthew Bridges, 1800-1894,  and Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903/ Terjemahan Nyanyian Pujian No. 78).

IV. Keempat, Kristus yang juga menjadi Pembela bagi kita.
“Kristus Yesus, yang telah mati. Bahkan lebih lagi: yang telah bangkit, yang juga duduk di sebelah kanan Allah, yang malah menjadi Pembela bagi kita.” (Roma 8:34)
Mari kita membaca ayat ini sekali lagi.  Bacalah dengan lantang.
“Kristus Yesus, yang telah mati. Bahkan lebih lagi: yang telah bangkit, yang juga duduk di sebelah kanan Allah, yang malah menjadi Pembela bagi kita” (Roma 8:34).
“Yang malah menjadi Pembela bagi kita.” Kristus tidak hanya duduk di sana di tahtaNya di Surga tetapi Ia melakukan banyak hal. Namun hal yang paling penting yang Ia lakukan adalah menjadi Pembela kita di dalam doa.
“Karena itu Ia sanggup juga menyelamatkan dengan sempurna semua orang yang oleh Dia datang kepada Allah. Sebab Ia hidup senantiasa untuk menjadi Pengantara mereka” (Ibrani 7:25).
Kristus dapat menyelamatkan Anda “dengan sempurna,” selama-lamanya, secara sempurna, karena “Ia hidup senantiasa untuk menjadi Pengantara” Anda dan saya (Ibrani 7:25). Kristus dapat menyelamatkan Anda dan memelihara Anda untuk tetap selamat selama-lamanya, “dengan sempurna” – karena Ia hidup senantiasa untuk menjadi Pengantara Anda dan saya di dalam doa.

Ku punya Juruselamat yang setia;
Ku dibimbing-Nya dalam kasih mesra;
Kaupun dikasihi-Nya, t’rimalah Dia
Jadikanlah Juruselamatmu juga
(“I Am Praying for You” by S. O’Malley Clough, 1837-1910/ Terjemahan Nyanyian Pujian No. 145).
Betapa sungguh kita harus berdoa agar setiap orang mau datang kepada Yesus!
Kristus Yesus, yang telah mati. Bahkan lebih lagi: yang telah bangkit, yang juga duduk di sebelah kanan Allah, yang malah menjadi Pembela bagi kita” (Roma 8:34).
Datanglah kepada Kristus dengan iman dan Ia akan mengampuni dosa-dosa Anda, dan menyelamatkan Anda selama-lamanya! Amin!
Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Obstructing Giant Suddenly Removed

Today, as I was walking around the living room, (it's how I seem to do, just can't sit still anymore) and praying for people. He gave me an open vision, it filled my living room. In this vision, there stood a Giant, as huge a giant as I have ever seen. He stood there with legs apart and his feet were firmly planted. In one hand he held a large version of a checkbook and around it was a chain wrapped very tightly and secured with a padlock and he had the key, indicating the key was in his pocket and there was no way the key could be retrieved.
In his other hand, he held the promises that God had given to His Faithful Ones, of the upcoming move of His Glory, and all of the promises He had made to His own and he laughed as the pages had been torn in two. On top of the halves of paper, laid a closed bible with a large Red X marked across it. In like a panoramic movie, he showed the failings, discouragements, illnesses that still lingered amongst His Glorious Beloved, every weakness and presumed falling from the faith. At his feet stood a lady with a set of scales, she was blindfolded with the scales tipped in his favor, his side of that scale was in black.
Behind this giant were a set of doors, like French Doors. As the giant stood there, he was laughing at the futility of His Beloved to have their finances taken care of, let alone in abundance; of knowing they have faltered and faith has waned at times, of sickness and despair and tiredness being the rule of the day, that they were believing a lie and certainly they would not attain their day of promise and to Give up, all is in ruins!
It was at that moment, the doors were flung open, as a 'suddenly.' Out of those doors came God's angels, they surrounded the giant. One stood by his hand holding the checkbook, one angel pointed to his pocket and the key 'flew' away. Another angel pointed to the chains and they were miraculously broken and the checkbook opened, showing a sizable deposit. On the other side of the giant, another angel pointed to the severed papers of promises, and each page miraculously became whole once again. Another angel had a stamp and page by page, each in order, was stamped DONE, FINISHED! Still another angel, pointed to the bible and the Red X disappeared and the bible opened. One more angel pointed to the scales, the blindfold fell from the lady's eyes and the scales tipped to the other side which was in 'gold.' Then the angels slew the giant and carried him off, singing as they went, and he was not to be seen again.
I asked the Lord to show me what this meant in it's entirety.
He said, when My angels broke the chains and touched the wallet, it signifies I have broken the bondages and declared finances to come forth for you even amidst a world filled with trouble and despair and no key can lock My storehouse of finances and provision, NO KEY. Finances and provisions to not only sustain you and others, but to bring My true ministries to the forefront before a dying people as a witness to Me.
When My angels pointed to the papers of promises and made them whole again, it signifies that each page of promise is not only fully in tact but now is being fulfilled. IT IS DONE, FINISHED! Sickness and infirmity that has lasted for years and is holding you back, wholeness and a healing ministry will turn this world upside down. Have you been so miserable that life has been a struggle, devoid of quality, then open wide your arms for an onslaught of abundance in 'every area.' For every relationship that has sought to bring you down, Favor and special people are coming into your lives, even now. And My promise for My Chosen Ones is as solid as the day I gave it to you - KNOW that it is coming to pass when the world 'will' see My Glory!
When My angels pointed to the bible and the Red X disappeared and the bible opened. I am showing you that even in your moments of thinking your faith has failed, KNOW that it's only your faith that has kept you still standing, yes, standing wobbly at times, but still standing, still having hope in your almighty God. You see, that even what you saw as your failures, I saw as Faith! For I knew your life was not constant victory and never stumbling or falling, but it has been a life of falling, getting up and going on, time and time again. Pressing ever on to the mark of the High Calling of Christ! My bible (Word) now lies open and it will never close again.
When My angel pointed to the scales and the blindfold fell off and the scales tipped from the black side (death) to the golden side (life). I am showing you MY TRUTH as never before and your eyes are now completely open to that truth and you are standing on solid ground as My Golden Ones! On the side of Glory!
When My angels slew the giant and carried him away, I am showing you, that finally he is being defeated in your life, the battle has already been won. Signs and Wonders are coming forth not only for - but also through My glorious Beloved. Resurrection life, healing, provisions and sufficiency for every aspect of your walk and ministry. I am unveiling complete truth to you in what is to occur and watch as I confirm that truth with unprecedented miracles!
You see, My Glorious Beloved, the best wine is truly reserved for last and the giant is taken care of and you will see even now an unparalleled move, not only before but after the Manifestation.
The doors have been suddenly thrown open and the day is arriving for you to take your rightful place in My plan. You have been cleansed, purged and filled...and you will now break forth. Breaking forth for I have put a new song in your heart and mouth and you shall break forth in praise and worship for all the I AM has done beginning this day. Sing forth as My angels did, as the giant was taken away. Break forth, O Barren People who are no longer barren but who will walk in signs and wonders and will be bringing many into the Kingdom.
by Olivia Reitz Long

Thursday, April 5, 2012


A Warning To Christians Everywhere !!!
Don’t you know judgement will come upon you first ? ( 1 Peter 4:17-18)

1 Peter
4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
4:18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
Don’t you realize there is A WAR against Christians in the last days ? Read your Bible about what will happen to Christians in the last days.
7:21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;
7:22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.
7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
8:23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
8:24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

WAR will be declared against the saints and the antichrist will be revealed ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3)
Wake Up Church !!! Don’t let yourself comfort and ease in this last hours. Don’t let yourself be among the lukewarm church for the season of the lukewarm church will be over soon. Put on the whole armour of God lest you will be tempted since the time is very evil now. You are not the exception.

13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

You will lead into captivity, kill with the sword to prove your faith and patience as God’s people.
All that must be happened before Jesus second coming.

24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

WAKE UP and BE WATCHFUL !!! The time of the world is ticking down to the end, it’s running out.  Be His witnesses and preach the Gospel of Grace to the lost. The Gospel of Jesus Christ as Saviour to all mankind in this world before everything has been too late.